Every time you look in the mirror, you see the things you love about yourself and the things you definitely hate. The idea is always to make the parts of our physical selves that we love stand out so that they compensate for and/or hide the things we hate. You'll wear a scarf to hide your long neck or a hat to hide your receding hairline or layers upon layers of makeup to disguise whatever you think is wrong with your face. Now there is nothing wrong with makeup or a wearing what you want. I mean, I for one love scarfs. But there is everything wrong with denying who you are and hiding it everyday.

However, I'm not here to discuss physical appearances because those can be altered to suit our specifications,but who we are inside is something we can't change. You can go for plastic surgery to change your appearance but as Beyonce puts it, " its the soul that needs a surgery".We are wired differently, we feel differently, we love differently and we view the world differently. Who we are inside is determined by our individual personalities, how we react is determined by our environment. For example, by nature I'm a sensitive person but I was raised in an environment where I had to shove my feelings down and deal with them internally. It helped in a way because I learnt not to explode over every little thing. You see, who you are is not a bad thing you just need to learn how to handle the various aspects of yourself in a healthier way.

There is nothing wrong with being sensitive,ambitious, generous, stubborn, distant and whatever other traits you have. The fact is, if you ignore the things you don't love about yourself, you'll never learn how to handle them. If you focus only on the things that are great about you, you'll lose consciousness of who you really are and you'll always get frustrated by the ugly bits.

Here's the thing, we are all perfectly imperfect. The things that make us great can also be the things that make us terrible but ultimately, we are who we are. Its great to work on the areas we fall short on but remember, you'll never be 100%. So every time you think you aren't enough, just remember there is no single person who can match to you. You are in your own level of awesomeness.

Love yourself because you get only one shot in this life. So you can choose to waste it trying to be perfect or you can learn to accept every part of you, the good, the bad and the ugly.

It's not that hard. 


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